
Specialty Programs

List of 14 items.

  • Abess Center for Environmental Studies (ACES)

    ACES is an enrichment program unique to Miami Country Day School. Students, PK3 through 4th grade, explore Earth's biodiversity and environmental issues through exciting "hands-on" activities.

    Using a multiple intelligence approach, students actively participate in projects as scientists, researchers, journalists, nutritionists, mathematicians, authors, illustrators, poets, gardeners, teachers, script writers, cooks, and young, socially conscious entrepreneurs. The students develop skills that will be used throughout their lives.
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  • Aquatics

    Miami Country Day Aquatics, led by a team of experienced professionals, is a comprehensive aquatics program offering a wide variety of opportunities to suit every need. We are the Miami area’s premier place for swim lessons, competitive year round swimming, summer swim team, water polo club, and Masters swimming/adult fitness. MCDA also manages Miami Country Day School's interscholastic swimming and water polo teams.
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  • Breakthrough Miami

    Miami Country Day School is proud to have partnered with Breakthrough Miami in 2011.  The mission of Breakthrough Miami is to inspire and encourage talented, motivated middle school students to enter and thrive in top college preparatory high school programs and graduate from college. The program is equally focused on promoting careers in education for the outstanding high school and college students who teach, tutor, and mentor in Breakthrough Miami's summer institute and school year program.

    For additional information about Breakthrough Miami at Miami Country Day School, visit our Breakthrough Miami page.
  • Chess

    Miami Country Day School has an active chess community. The Spartan Chess Team finished 3rd at the National K-9 Championship and took 1st place in the Florida State Championship for the third year in a row. Chess is woven into every division of our school from our Middle School chess elective to our Lower School after school chess club and Upper School Spartan Chess Team. Some of our chess offerings are also opened to the community, such as private chess lessons with our Chess Director, Grandmaster Ron Henley, and our summer Chess Camp for children ages 6-14.
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  • Comprehensive Outdoor Education Program (COEP)

    COEP will challenge students in three major areas: academic skills, outdoor and physical tasks, and individual and group leadership development. The goals and expectations of COEP are to complement and enhance traditional education by offering hands-on experience in life skills that will provide the student necessary tools to meet the challenges of the 21st century. COEP is based on implementing and combing three core areas of development during a school year, using a daily standard class schedule.
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  • Kinder to College Mentorship

    Kinder to College bridges the ages at Miami Country Day School.  It allows our seniors to serve as mentors and big buddies to our youngest members of our community.  Our students meet throughout the year to develop a love of reading, art, community service, music, play and of course ice cream.  Our youngest members share priceless moments with seniors at our yearly winter sing-a-long.  Our seniors get a moment to remember what recess felt like by playing duck, duck, goose and tag.  Kinder to College unifies our youngest and oldest in a meaningful and playful exchange.
  • Leader in Me

    Miami Country Day Lower and Middle School is a Leader in Me School.  The Leader in Me is an innovative, school-wide model that increases teacher effectiveness, student engagement, and academic achievement, while preparing students to be leaders in the 21st century. The book The Leader in Me was written by Dr. Steven Covey who also authored The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  Children at Miami Country Day ask questions such as, “How do I lead myself?” and “How do I lead others?”
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  • Learning Resources Program

    Learning Resources Mission
    The Learning Resources Program of Miami Country Day School is for students in grades six through twelve who have average to superior intelligence with a documented learning difference.

    The Learning Resources Program develops those personal and intellectual strengths that enable students to succeed in its college preparatory curriculum. Self-advocacy training is an integral part of our curriculum. Our program is designed to prepare our graduates for a college or university education suitable to their needs and demonstrated abilities.

    Students take core classes with Learning Resources teachers.  Students may move between Learning Resources and main track courses according to their educational needs.

    The Learning Resources Program Offers

    • Small classes
    • Laptop computer instruction as a part of each core class curriculum
    • Multi-sensory and personalized approach to teaching
    • Differentiated instruction to accommodate the learning style of students
    • Careful assessment of each student
    • Study skills and organizational strategies
    • Strategies for goal-setting, self-monitoring, and developing personal responsibility
    • Multi-dimensional approach to assessment
    • Support and education for parents
    • Self-advocacy training
    • Close coordination with the college counseling program
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  • Lower School After School Clubs

    As one of the first programs of its kind, Miami Country Day's After School Program has provided its students with an atmosphere of fantastic fun, clever creativity, acrobatic action and leisurely learning, all in a safe and quality environment. Since its inception in 1991, the Miami Country Day After School Program has brought to our children, a treasure chest of adventure, overflowing with jewels of games, sports, art, language and so much more.
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  • Lower School Extended Day

    Miami Country Day Lower School Extended day is a program offered for PK3- 5th graders. Immediately following dismissal, students in Extended Day will be provided daily with snacks and activities until 6:00 pm. 
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  • X-Term

    X-Term offers Upper School students the opportunity to explore a whole child passion not typically found in the traditional curriculum. Opportunities exist on campus, in the greater Miami community, and at domestic and international locations. X-Term transports students to experiential endeavors where the real world serves as the classroom and education is reimagined. X-Term supports the Miami Country Day School mission and its core values by enhancing the opportunities each student has to become a lifelong learner.
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  • Senior Projects

    The Senior Project Program is the capstone of the upper school educational experience providing students with the opportunity to pursue individual interests in the form of independent, off-campus experiential internships. The intentions of the Senior Project include the following:
    1. to provide opportunities for the student to expand his/her learning experiences outside the traditional classroom setting;
    2. to explore some area of interest to the student that is beyond the scope of the school’s curriculum;
    3. to expose the student to the responsibilities of being a working professional;
    4. to provide useful, productive service to the community.
    The Senior Project program is an extension of the school's Mission Statement that learning is more than the acquisition of facts and also an extension of the school's commitment to providing its students with challenging and rewarding experiences. Our Mission Statement recognizes that the school believes in the education of the whole person. To this end the Miami Country Day community acknowledges that every individual is endowed with six potentials: the intellectual, spiritual, social, aesthetic, physical, and emotional.
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  • Student Success Network (SSN)

  • Theater for Social Change

    Growing from the belief that the arts offer a unique way to introduce students to aspects of the human condition, Theater for Social Change, an artistic and curricular program, was founded at Miami Country Day School in 2005. It was founded on the premise that theater is particularly well designed to stimulate discussions about important societal issues and foster change at the local, national and global levels.

    The Theater for Social Change program is inextricably linked to Miami Country Day School’s belief in the importance of educating the whole child. The School’s mission is focused on the development of the six potentials of each student, and this program addresses the School’s need to give form and life to the three most elusive of the six potentials: the social, the emotional, and the spiritual. The progression from artistic work to social reflection to humanitarian action is tied directly to the significant role that service learning plays in the mission statement and program of the Upper School.
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Miami Country Day School is a college preparatory learning community committed to educating the whole child. Through the core values of honor, respect, wisdom and compassion, we prepare students to be lifelong learners. We inspire our children to develop their intellectual, physical, aesthetic, social, emotional and spiritual potentials by valuing every student every day.

Every Student. Every Day.

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