Founded in 2013, Country Day's Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship (I.C.E) program inspires, empowers and encourages innovative thinking and action by helping all Country Day students of all ages to take their ideas, products and businesses to the next level, wherever that happens to be.

The foundation of the I.C.E Initiative is the signature one-on-one mentoring program, which is age-agnostic and thoroughly student-centric. I.C.E has served over 85 students since the program’s inception by connecting them with faculty, alumni, parent and community mentors who, in turn, share their knowledge, time and expertise to help students bring their ideas, projects and dreams to the next level, whatever stage in development they happen to be. Students have been identified by teachers who recognize their passion, drive and motivation, parents who have heard about the program or students themselves, either after an introductory assembly or through friends.
2019-2020 Key Calendar Dates

  • One-on-one Mentoring Program (On-going)
  • Classroom assistance with “Passion Projects” (Lower School)
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Curriculum in the Upper School (First Semester)
  • The Spartan Cup Business Challenge and Innovator’s Showcase (December 10, 2019)
  • X-Term Silicon Valley: Design Thinking (March 2020)

List of 1 items.

  • Karen Davis

    Director, I.C.E Initiative

    As the Director of the I.C.E. Initiative, an entrepreneur, teacher and a mentor, I can assure you the rewards of working with these children are worth it. I invite you to learn more about I.C.E! Get involved as a mentor (with whatever time you can share), join us as a sponsor or simply encourage your children to pursue their passions, knowing there are adults who are here to help. 

    Contact Karen at for more information!

The Faces of Entrepreneurship

H.O.P.E Charity - Ryan Amoils '15

'Ike Slime Shop - Isabella Pinzon '26

Zoe's Dolls - Zoe Terry '24

Design Thinking in Silicon Valley

Miami Country Day School is a college preparatory learning community committed to educating the whole child. Through the core values of honor, respect, wisdom and compassion, we prepare students to be lifelong learners. We inspire our children to develop their intellectual, physical, aesthetic, social, emotional and spiritual potentials by valuing every student every day.

Every Student. Every Day.

© 2020 Miami Country Day School. All Rights Reserved.